Manor House B, hidden in the heart of the countryside, slowly falling apart through total neglect. This is one of the rooms on the middle floor, where the decay is not quite so extensive i.e. there is still a floor that’s just about safe enough to walk on, but I could see that it would only be a matter of time before this room joined the ground floor of the house.
This image is overlaid with several textures, including a beautiful blue sky I shot somewhere last summer, to give a dreamlike quality of the outside coming in, and a heavenly dimension to all the decay.
Thanks to everyone who has re-tweeted this and/or left a comment.
Great shot! As usual, I’m impressed with your textures.
Love it.
great shot and super processing as usual – I’ve just posted from the same room!
Love the filter used. Great job Viveca!
Thanks everyone who has taken the time to comment so far, I really do appreciate it.
Wow, beautiful shot! Love the dreamy texture.
It’s not too often that I see masterful use of texture overlays. This is a supreme example of how methodical use can truly boost an image.
What a wonderful shot.
Wow. This photo has really taken on a dreamy state! Remarkable work, Viveca. I’d love to learn your techniques.
Even with the decay, there’s a lovely tone to this room, although, it could be the textures talking. Either way, it has a beauty to it even though it’s been neglected. Well done V!
Sweet shot. The brick showing through under the window adds to this scene rather nicely. Great shot!