This month I am very pleased to be featured in one of the national photography magazines – Digital Photographer, after I was contacted by photographer/freelance writer Dylan Baker who saw my piece in The Transmitter when he was here in Crystal Palace a year ago in order to interview someone else. He loved and remembered my work and thought that it would greatly enhance the feature that he had been commissioned to write for DP on printing technology, so he emailed me one evening in January and asked if I would be prepared to answer some “super-brief questions” and submit some of my images for publication. Of course I wanted to feature in a photography magazine that I read avidly, but the only problem was that (a) the deadline was at lunchtime the following day and that (b) I was away for the night, sans computer, staying in Burford, Oxfordshire with my Mum and our friend Clare to celebrate Mum’s birthday. Dylan said in his email “I’m sorry the deadline is so tight – the rest of the article is written but I really wanted to include your work and I only thought of it at the last minute”, but I was so pleased to be remembered and asked in this way that I was more than happy to comply. He also wrote “If you could also send through a profile picture of yourself I will include some details from your ‘About’ page and provide links to your web site and blog. If you could also choose 4 or 5 images you would like to see in print I will make sure they get prominently featured – this will be a fairly large colour feature in the centre of the magazine so anything you’d like to use to represent your work. Also let me know if there are any exhibitions or the like coming up you would particularly like mentioned.” How nice was that? 🙂
I picked up the email on my BlackBerry at half past midnight after a very good meal and plentiful wine, so decided it was better to get a good sleep (and sober up!) and then answer Dylan’s questions to following morning before we headed back home. However I ended up doing this in the car as the others wanted to leave after breakfast, so I was frantically tapping into my smartphone and trying to remember the exact model of Epson printer that I own, paper types I’ve used for prints and other similar details that would have been easy to check had I been at home, but not so simple to recall in the back of Clare’s Ford Fiesta bombing down the M3 at 70mph.
Anyway, as you can see I made the deadline, and the magazine appeared on the shelves here a couple of days ago. My photos are on the second and fourth pages, but all the text about me is on the third and fourth. Hope the scans are clear enough to read, but if not, you will just have to go out and purchase your own copy!
Viveca, congratulations!! It is fantastic that they remembered you and asked for you work and even better that you were able to pull it off without access to your computer. The photos look beautiful.
Wow! Congratulations! Your photos are indeed great
Always have enjoyed your great work – congrads
Yeah 🙂
How ABSOLUTELY EXCITING is this!! Both Mrs. Toad and myself are so very thrilled to see this news Viveca! Of course, we’ve known all along as to how great you are… it’s just really nice to see others feeling the same way!! Awesome news, my dear friend, well deserving of a huge congratulations!!
Thank you so much dear Toads, I am thrilled too – it was so great to be asked 🙂
Holy smokes that’s so cool! very big grats to you. Gunna go try and find that mag now, have not got this months yet 🙂
Thanks Aaron! I still smile every time I see the article in print 🙂
Thanks Andy, Dave and Jim, it was all very exciting for me as you might imagine!
Congrats and well deserved!
That’s awesome!! Congrats on that V, I shall go grab a copy as soon as poss. 🙂
Congrats viveca! That’s awesome to have your work featured like that…i am happy for you!