When I saw this scene, I felt that it had the look of a painted scene, extending beyond the actual reality of the painted dog by artist Luke Da Duke...
I have been asked by several online friends how I create the photos of multiple me's such as this one below, so here is a tutorial. This is my Christmas...
Mark and I went to investigate Cliffe Fort in Kent on Saturday, and whilst I was too much of a wimp to climb over the fence to get in (requiring...
I have been asked by a couple contacts on Flickr about the making of this image, so once again here is a break-down of the different components used, and stage...
Having spent all afternoon on this image, I have decided once more to share how I did it, and which individual images went into making the final artwork. I started...
I have recently been experimenting with multiple texture overlays in CS3, to create slightly more abstract images as I start to move down the path of Fine Art Photography, and...