[caption id="attachment_4684" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Pale green corridor intersection, with windows, derelict Hellingly Asylum, West Sussex[/caption] This is another old shot from my very first UrbEx outing to Hellingly Asylum in...
Another old photograph from my archives, taken on my first ever visit to West Park Asylum on the 9th August 2009. This was the most disturbing graffiti in the...
I've been reviewing my older folders of photographs on my hard drive, for I know that over time, as I have been taking more and more pictures on a regular...
This photograph was taken on 21st January 2010, in a very soggy abandoned asylum in Wales - I probably ought to be posting it tomorrow, but here we go. This...
"a roller skate dreaming of escape ... a piano’s broken grin ... a wheelchair refusing its fate ... Lost Asylum Sonnets is a journey of documentary imagination into the...
I am very pleased to announce that I have had two photographs accepted for the Royal Photographic Society's Visual Art Group exhibition, which will run from the 4th-29th January 2011...