This was taken in March at Manor House 'B' in Norfolk, in the very dilapidated kitchen. I loved the cool winter light illuminating the green bottles, to form this grubby...
One of the things that was so interesting about Manor House B were the amount of personal objects still remaining there, such as these antique documents lying on the table...
[caption id="attachment_4699" align="aligncenter" width="599"] Collapsed floors, kitchen, derelict Manor House 'B', Norfolk, UK[/caption] Manor House B, showing the kitchen and the lovely view all the way up to the third...
This shows the staircase at Manor House B - or rather what's left of it - we had to use the ladder (found by Mark in a side room) to...
[caption id="attachment_4703" align="aligncenter" width="900"] Collapsed floors, derelict Manor House 'B', Norfolk, UK[/caption] The view from the top floor at Manor House B, all the way to the ground floor without...
Manor House B, hidden in the heart of the countryside, slowly falling apart through total neglect. This is one of the rooms on the middle floor, where the decay is...