I made this image a while ago in an attempt to describe visually what depression feels like. It was done from 'memory', some stages away from the depths of true...
Spent some time relaxing in my garden today, after taking all these photographs for a multiplicity image (for technique, please see my tutorial post), which was slightly tricky in...
Mark and I went to investigate Cliffe Fort in Kent on Saturday, and whilst I was too much of a wimp to climb over the fence to get in (requiring...
"a roller skate dreaming of escape ... a piano’s broken grin ... a wheelchair refusing its fate ... Lost Asylum Sonnets is a journey of documentary imagination into the...
An abandoned manor house, hidden away from the public gaze, still holds many secrets of the previous occupants. People who left so much behind, when they said goodbye to the...
In September 2009, I spent ten days alone in New York City, staying in a small self-catering apartment on the Upper East Side. While I was there, I kept an...