I was commissioned to write this article for the journal of one of the sub-groups of The Royal Photographic Society, the Digital Imaging Group, which is for members who use...
After my success last year in getting my photograph 'Beauty Ensnared' accepted for the prestigious Royal Photographic Society International Projected Image Exhibition, I have again entered four images into the General Digital category...
These 15 images form my panel for Associateship the Royal Photographic Society. Regarding Associateship, the Society's website states: "The second level of The Society's Distinctions is the Associateship - a significant...
I am very pleased to announce that my photograph "Beauty Ensnared" has been accepted for the General Digital category of Royal Photographic Society International Projected Image Exhibition 2010. The opening...
In an attempt to get my work more "out there", I have entered the General Digital category of The Royal Photographic Society International Projected Image Exhibition 2010. The theme running through...